Monday, August 31, 2015

Using the internet

Good afternoon!

I hope you had an enjoyable weekend!

This week we are going to focus on using the internet, accessing websites, and using the address bar. One of the best ways you can help your student is to let them practice. Show them how to enter an address into the address bar and hit enter. Using shortcuts and favorites is great, but in the computer lab not everything is saved. Also, letting them use the mouse on the computer is great practice. We are a world of touch screens and students struggle with using a mouse in school because they are not used to it. Allowing them to play with it while using a computer program or internet site is great practice.  We will be accessing some sites next week that will allow them to practice using the mouse. In the meantime, letting them do it at home will help tremendously.

THANKS!! See you in Computer Lab!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Computer Lab Syllabus

Below is the Syllabus for the 2015-16 school year. Concepts and lessons are subject to change but changes will be posted.

Computer Lab

 Orientation and getting to know you
 Parts of a computer
Intro to First in Math- 1st-5th
Paint Program- K5
Digital Citizenship and internet safety
First in Math- 1st-5th: JTF
First in Math-1st-5th: JTF Gyms
K-5: Compass: K Print Awareness
1st-Consonant and Short Vowels
2nd- Phonics/fluency/Comprehension
3-5: Vocabulary Skills


Compass: K Print Awareness
1st-Consonant and Short Vowels
2nd- Phonics/fluency/Comprehension
3-5: Vocabulary Skills
January: Typing and keyboarding
First in Math: 1-5: JTF, Gyms, Skill Sets, Bonus games
Compass: K- Review 1
1st: Long vowels, suffixes, plurals
2nd: Phonics, fluency, comprehension 3
3-5: Comprehension
 Communication and Collaboration: 3-5 Email
First in Math: 1-5: JTF, Gyms, Skill Sets, Bonus games
Compass: K- Review 1
1st: Long vowels, suffixes, plurals
2nd: Phonics, fluency, comprehension 3
3-5: Comprehension
MS Word
First in Math: 1-5: JTF,
Gyms, Skill Sets, Bonus games, Measurement World, Know and Show
Compass: K- Review 3
1st: Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Fluency
2nd: Phonics, fluency, comprehension 5
3-5: Comprehension

 Keyboarding/Dancemat Typing

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Happy Second Week of School!!!!

We had an amazing first week! I hope you are all getting back in the swing of things. One of the things we talked about in computer lab orientation was the Instagram board I created in the hall outside the computer lab. I would love you add your photos to it. All you have to do is bring me the photo with your name and your teacher's name on the back. I will post the photos for all to see. When I take them down, I will return your photos. This is a great way to share exciting things going on in your life.

If you have questions, feel free to email or call me!

Instagram Bulletin Board - Oh Snap!.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

All About Me

One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to know my students. While I get little time with them each week, I love when they share things about themselves with me. I feel it only fair to share things about myself as well:

My name is Jessie Shepherd. I grew up in Piedmont, attended Ellen Woodside, and Woodmont Middle and High schools. I worked in banking for about 9 years before I went back to school to fulfill my dream of becoming a teacher. I attended Anderson University and graduated in 2013 with my BS in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. I subbed in Greenville County and Anderson District 1 for a year before coming to Fork Shoals in 2014 as the computer lab manager.  I LOVE my job and LOVE being a part of Fork Shoals School!!! 
I have a daughter in first grade and a toddler son. We enjoy going to the beach, playing outside, roller skating, and reading. I enjoy taking pictures, college football- GO UGA BULLDOGS!!!-, reading, going to concerts and movies, music trivia, and being a mom. We have a three-legged Jack Russell Terrier named Hugo and a sassy cat named Sophie. My favorite color is red and I love sweet tea! I am a life long Girl Scout and hoping to start a new Brownie troop this year. I am obsessed with sending greeting cards and have quite a collection. 

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you! I wish you a wonderful school year and if there is anything I can do or need to know, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

THANKS and have a great year!!!!

Ms. Shepherd

Welcome back!


I am so very excited to be back this year and beginning a new year. This year's computer lab is going to look a lot different than last year. I am so excited about all the things I have planned for us and all the great and fun things we will do this year!!! 

There are a few things I wanted to remind you of while you visit the computer lab:

  • There is to be NO eating or drinking while in the lab. If you need a drink of water, you are welcome to visit the water fountain. In order to make sure the computers stay safe and work properly, we cannot have drinks on the tables near the computers. Please leave all lunch boxes, drinks and water bottles, and food on the table at the door.
  • I had a whole lot of items left behind in the lab last year. I usually try to leave them on the table in case you come looking for them. Several pairs of glasses, some jewelry, and ear buds, as well as jackets and shirts, were left behind and never claimed. If you are missing something, please check the table to make sure it is not there.
  • I hope to have First in Math (for 1-5th grade) log in information for you very soon. You are welcome to play at home. You can get the link to the website on the Fork Shoals home page.
Please visit my blog often for information, recommended sites, and other information. 
I am looking forward to another year with you! Have a great first day and I will see you all soon!!!!

Ms. Shepherd